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City Orchard was founded by the serendipitous meeting of three like-minded Houstonians – well one true Houstonian and two northerners who have made Houston their adopted city for over two decades.  The objective is simple; create the best ciders from the best ingredients in a welcoming environment.  

With family-owned farms along the shores of Lake Ontario, City Orchard taps deep into the roots of Great Lakes Apple Country. We bring the heritage of our cider culture and orchards to our favorite city.

We press carefully selected apples on the farm, truck the juice to Houston, and produce traditional ciders in an urban setting – we are an orchard in the city. A little unorthodox – but this is Texas. We manage the process from tree to glass. Real Apples, Real Cider.

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City Orchard co-founder Mat Smith's family orchards - Smith Brother's Farms - is nearing its century-old status.  Founded by Mat's grandfather, the North Rose, NY orchards are located in one of the country's most important apple growing regions.


Smith Brothers continues to support craft cider making by planting new groves of traditional cider apples such as European Yarlington Mill and American Golden Russet.  Direct access to heritage cider making apples as well as staples such as Fuji, Golden Delicious, and Northern Spy allows City Orchard to make delicious, easy drinking ciders for a hot Texas day and have a little fun experimenting as well.  

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