Introducing our Tank Car Beer Series!
Introducing our Tank Car beer series!
We’re dedicated to building our community through the offering of authentic and quality products in our tasting room. We focus on cider but we realize that a tasting room should quench the desires of all. It’s no secret that we have a diverse interest in all alcoholic beverages – including beer!
Our brewmaster Clay Watson’s philosophy is simple – make great traditional beers with quality ingredients. Our Tank Car Origin Series pays homage to some of our favorite classic beer styles from around the world.
Why Tank Car? When you visit City Orchard, you will not be able to miss our most prominent neighbors – trains. Nestled between two busy Union Pacific and Kansas City Southern Lines, we enjoy trains all day long. As we watch tank cars pass endlessly by, it is fun to imagine them filled with cold beer!
Rule G & Tin Lizard Rule G is an old name for a regulation prohibiting alcohol consumption while working on the railroad. So why not taunt the engineers with a toast of this robust single Belgian style ale as they chug by the cidery. Fermented with Monastery yeast, we packed this easy-drinking (5.8%) Belgian with traditional Hallertauer Hersbrucker and US Golding hops.
Tin Lizard, an early 20th Century Railroad nickname for a passenger train, is a straightforward, no-nonsense IPA best enjoyed on a patio amongst friends. Predominantly 2 row pilsner malt; caramel and crystal malts contribute the deep golden hue, while Mosaic, Citra, and Simcoe hops render a bright hoppy character.
Both are available to-go in 12oz 4-packs at our taproom. These beers are currently a taproom-only release, come grab a 4-pack and let us know what you think!
Cheers!, Team City Orchard